System Administration

Emails sent through the Global Output Server never arrive

10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom Emails sent through the Global Output Server never arrive.   If sending manually from Alarm Monitoring, it might appear that the email was successfully sent, but the recipient never gets it. C:\ProgramData\Lnl\logs\GOSEmailAgent...

“String data right truncated” error occurs when adding an LNL-1200 to an elevator reader

10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom "String Data right truncation" error message appears when adding an LNL-1200 module to an elevator reader. Resolution This error occurs when there are too many characters in the elevator reader name. When applying the...

How enable Alarm Name for Access Granted/Access Denied for Destination Floors.

10/06/2022April Daniels
How to enable Alarm Name for Access Granted/Access Denied for Destination Floors   Procedure Steps   From System Administration open [Monitoring] and select [Alarms]. Find the alarm titled, Access Granted to Desti...

Minimal Permissions for OG Credentials

10/06/2022April Daniels
Question     What are the minimum permissions needed for OnGuard Credentials?     Answer     Launch System Administration > Administration > Users . Select the System Permission Groups sub-tab and...

You have no more database IDs remaining for object type 'Logical Device'

10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom   When attempting to add new Logical Devices to OnGuard, an error is generated indicating "You have no more database IDs remaining for object type 'Logical Device'."   Resolution   To reso...

When I logout of Alarm Monitoring, windows shuts down

10/06/2022April Daniels
Each time I log out of Alarm Monitoring, Windows shuts down on the computer being used Procedure Steps   The corrective action can only be completed by an OnGuard User with full administrative permissions   In System Adminis...

How to fix Single Sign On using Windows 10 PC that is not on a domain

10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom   Single Sign On is not working. The PC is Windows 10, and is not part of a domain.   Resolution Open a command prompt as an Administrator. Type net user . The default administrator is disabled.  Type ne...

LNL-2210 onboard reader is missing the Aux Ouput tab in OnGuard 7.2

10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom When using OnGuard and viewing the onboard reader that is connected to LNL-2210 under Readers and Doors , the Aux Outputs tab is missing in OnGuard   Resolution This issue was corrected in

Invalid SIO Number

10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom Symptom:   lenelerror.log registers, in some cases very frequently: TIME:                   [05/04/2017 11:10:24] SEVERITY: Error ERROR CODE: 0...

Configuring Custom IP for Elevator Dispatch

10/06/2022April Daniels
Otis Compass V3       Procedure Steps OnGuard 7.3.345 is the first version of OnGuard to allow a custom IP address to be configured for the Elevator Dispatch with Otis Compass V3.     Backup the ACS.ini file. Open...