LNL-1320-S3B Manual Firmware upgrade


Need to upgrade firmware on the new LNL-1320-S3B but no patch file exists for the version of OnGuard in use.


A manual method is required to upgrade the firmware.

  1. Download the latest version of the Accessory Add-On for Mercury Firmware from the Partner Center.
  2. Run the installer which will extract the firmware to the OnGuard folder.  This needs to be done on all Communications Servers.
  3. Browse to the OnGuard folder and locate the file named LNL1320_2.bin to LNL1320_2.bin.org (signifying this is the original Series 2 firmware).
  4. Rename the LNL1320_3B.bin to LNL1320_2.bin.
  5. In Alarm Monitoring, locate the LNL-1320-S3B reader board and initiate the firmware download. Once completed, the firmware version should reflect the new update.
  6. Undo the naming performed in step 3 to avoid sending firmware for the LNL-1320-S3B to a series 2 reader board.

Applies To

OnGuard versions 7.5 and earlier

Additional Information

The reader will not show as as attached to an LNL-1320-S2B but as a LNL-1320 Series 2 in Alarm Monitoring, but the correct firmware version will be reported.

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