
Camera and recorder are online, but neither can live or recorded video

10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom "Error Communicating with Video Recorder" or "Time requested is not available" messages appear during live video or on recorded video. These errors can occur when the server that the camera and recorder are connected to belongs to a wor...

Unable To Download H264 Plugin For Axis Camera/Encoder Webpage

10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom   When downloading the H264 plug-in for Internet Explorer, the "Cannot open an anonymous level security token" error occurs.  Resolution Before attempting the following procedure, ensure that you have already added the website t...

Bosch camera not coming online when 'service' user account not configured

10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom A Bosch camera has been added in System Administration, but the camera will not come online. The camera has been added without a valid user name and password. The LNVR to which the camera is attached will create "Add Channel" XML files ...