Should the goVision add-on be installed on the OnGuard server or clients?


Should the goVision add-on be installed on the OnGuard server or clients?


OnGuard add-ons typically perform the following two tasks during installation:
  1. Publish a new panel type in the OnGuard database.
  2. Install the translator and all the dependencies for the new panel type on the local machine.
For the first task, it does not matter where you install the add-on as long as it is an OnGuard workstation and it has access to the OnGuard database.
For the second task, however, it is required that you install the add-on on all the workstations where the translator is needed to communicate with the devices of that type. Most non-video translators are only used by OnGuard Communication Server, so the minimum requirement for such add-ons is to install them on all the Communication Server workstations where you expect panels of this type to be used. For video translators such as the goVision translator, the situation is different because these translators can also be used by OnGuard applications and other servers that play back video, issue PTZ commands, retrieve recorder capabilities, and so on. This includes System Administration, Alarm Monitoring, VideoViewer, Linkage Server, Background PTZ Tour Server, and possibly others. 
The safest option is to install the add-on on all the OnGuard workstations, servers and clients. This is a good idea even for non-video add-ons, because users can potentially run Communication Server on any client installation.

Applies To

OnGuard (All versions)

Additional Information
