How to perform a clean uninstall of OnGuard

How to perform a clean uninstall of OnGuard

  • Note: Read Additional Information below if you are using OnGuard 7.4.457.69 (Update 2) or later and LNVR.

    Important: Modifying the registry could cause irreversible damage to your Windows operating system. Be sure to back up the registry before making any changes. Follow the instructions located at:
    1. Uninstall OnGuard using Add or Remove Programs or Programs and Features in Control Panel (depending on your version of Windows).

      Note: You should also uninstall any additional OnGuard components, such as OnGuard Modules (CSS, WATCH, Policies), any Custom Solutions applications, and printer drivers.

    2. Restart the computer.
    3. Navigate to the following folders and delete them. Some of these directories might not exist.

      Note: For 64-bit operating systems, look in C:\Program Files (x86)\.

      C:\Program Files\OnGuard
      C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenel

      The following files and folders are also not removed because they might be shared with other applications:

      C:\Program Files\Business Objects
      C:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal
      C:\Program Files\Common Files\Crystal Decisions
      C:\Program Files\Common Files\Installshield

    4. Click [Start] and then select Run.
    5. In the Run dialog, type Regedit and then click [OK].  
    6. The Registry Editor window opens. Navigate to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and then delete the Lenel folder.
      If it exists, also navigate to \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ and then delete the Lenel folder.
    7. Navigate to \HKEY_LOCAL_USER\SOFTWARE and then delete the Lenel folder.
      If it exists, also navigate to \HKEY_LOCAL_USER\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\ and then delete the Lenel folder.
    8. Navigate to C:\Windows and then delete the ACS.INI file.

      Note: Make a copy of your ACS.ini file if you have any custom options that you want to preserve.

    9. Restart the computer.

  • Applies To

    OnGuard (All versions)


  • Additional Information
    If using OnGuard 7.4.457.69 (Update 2) or later and you are currently using LNVR 7.4 and if LNVR 7.4 is subsequently re-installed, that LNVR will no longer connect to cameras using ONVIF, and will be unable to detect new ONVIF cameras.
    The root cause is due to OnGuard 7.4 Update 2 and later install a set of LNVR client components with a version greater than that of the base LNVR system. Information about these files is not deleted from the system registry when the KB processes are followed. This puts the system into an unsupported state, and this results in the ONVIF failures.

    The released version of LNVR 7.4 is 7.4.93. Upon installation of LNVR 7.4.93, a set of LNVR components is installed to folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Lenel Shared\LNVSuite Client Components\7.4.  The critical components are all version stamped as 7.4.93.  When a Comm Service from OnGuard 7.4 Update 2 or later is installed to this LNVR, those critical components are upgraded to version 7.4.327. This is due to the inclusion of some high-impact defect fixes for LNVR. Further, the system registry is updated with information regarding these upgraded component versions.

    In this state, everything will work fine.

    If OnGuard is simply uninstalled using the Control Panel at this point, the Comm Service is no longer present, and the system will continue to work as expected. This is because the uninstallation process does not remove the upgraded LNVR components, and the information in the registry will continue to match the versions of those LNVR components.

    If, however, the processes described in the KB article is followed, the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Lenel Shared\LNVSuite Client Components\7.4 folder will be deleted, but the registry data will be unaffected. If LNVR 7.4.93 is then reinstalled, the original 7.4.93 components will be copied back to the C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Lenel Shared\LNVSuite Client Components\7.4 folder, but the registry will still think that folder contains the 7.4.327 versions.

    This mismatch between the information in the registry and what actually exists on disk presents itself as ONVIF failures. Most obviously, if the LNVR database was preserved through this process, any existing ONVIF cameras will not come online. Also, any attempt to detect new ONVIF cameras through System Administration will fail with the following error message:
    This camera is either offline or does not support ONVIF specification.
    If this occurs, call into technical support for further assistance.