How to add a Guardall panel to OnGuard?
Procedure Steps
1. Install the latest 6.4.500 TU1 + HF that includes the latest modifications for the Guardall panels.
2. In system administration, navigate to Additional Hardware > Intrusion Devices.
3. Add the Guardall panel and configre the following fields:
a. Location
i. Workstation: name of computer where the Comm Server is running
ii. Panel type
b. Connection:
i. IP: Address of the panel
ii. Port: usually 6000
c. Options:
5. On the Guardall PX config tab and configre the following fields :
a. GSR:
i. Serial Number S/N
ii. GSR ID
iii. IP of the Comm Server (where panel is connected to)
b. Panel IP
c. Gateway
d. Subnet
6. Mark the panel ONLINE.
Applies To
OnGuard (All versions)