Error enrolling Bioscrypt template with MV1200


Issue found on 6.4.500 Hot Fix 2.4:

While using an MV1200 (2G) enrollment reader, you receive the error:
Device does not recognize command. You may need to upgrade the firmware on this unit in order to enable this feature.

Also, OnGuard might crash when trying to store image.


In order to resolve this issue, an older CaptureU.dll from 6.4.500 TU1.1 must be registered into OnGuard:
  1. Close out of all OnGuard programs.
  2. Unregister the old CaptureU.dll file from the OnGuard directory using the regsvr32 /u captureu.dll command.
  3. Rename the old captureu.dll to captureu.bak.
  4. Copy the captureu.dll file from 6.4.500 TU1.1 into the OnGuard directory (this can be obtained from release archives).
  5. Register that .dll from the OnGuard directory using the regsvr32 captureu.dll command.
You can now enroll without issues.

Applies To

OnGuard 6.4.500 HF 2.4

Additional Information

This issue will be resolved per DevTrack OG-23813.