What is the difference between Series 1, Series 2, and Series 3 hardware boards?


What is the difference between series 3, series 2, and series 1 hardware boards?
Examples of these boards include the LNL-1100 and LNL-1200 alarm panels, and LNL-1300 and LNL-1320 reader interface modules.


Some of the differences are listed below. For a complete list, refer to the appropriate Overview section in the Hardware Installation Guide.

  • Serial numbers
    Series 3 boards: greater than 2,000,000
    Series 2 boards: greater than 650,000 and less than 2,000,000
    Series 1 boards: less than 650,000
  • Color
    Series 3 boards are red.
    Series 2 and series 1 boards are green.
  • LEDs
    Series 3 and 2 boards have LEDs mounted flush to the board. These LEDs are much brighter than the LEDs on series 1 boards.
    Series 1 boards have LEDs shaped like small bulbs. The LEDs are dim and sometimes they are difficult to see when lit.
  • Address settings
    The LNL-1300 Series 3 has a switch block to set addresses.
    Series 2 and series 1 boards set addresses with jumpers.
  • Firmware revisions change for series versions of the same board model. This particularly applies to LNL-1300 and LNL-1320 reader interface modules. Consult the "Lenel Access Control Hardware" compatibility chart on the Partner Center, located at the following address, to determine correct versions of firmware:

Applies To

All OnGuard versions

Additional Information

For a complete list and more details about the differences between series 3, series 2, and series 1 boards, refer to the Overview for each of the boards (LNL-1100, LNL-1200, LNL-1300, LNL-1320) in the Hardware Installation Guide.