Unable to load action group library when using Oracle database


 When opening Scheduler from Alarm Monitoring or System Administration, some of the following error messages are shown:

  • “An error has occurred while loading actions”
  • “An error has occurred while loading action types”
  • “Unable to load Action Group Library”

 After the error message, the Action Types list is empty.


 Go to the ACS.ini file and add "UseOraOLEDBProvider=1" under the [DataBase] section. Note: This setting is enabled by default for OnGuard 8.0 and later.  

Applies To

  • Oracle 12c R2 (and later) database
  • OnGuard 7.4 Update 3
  • OnGuard 7.5 Update 2
  • OnGuard 7.6

Additional Information

 The connection string used by OnGuard Scheduler causes the "invalid credentials" error when connecting to Oracle 12c R2  and later database. This causes the error "Unable to load actions" when opening Scheduler from System Administration.

This issue is not observed with Oracle 12c R1 database.

A temporarily solution for this issue is including the Provider in connection string:

  • Provider=MSDAORA.1
  • Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle

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