Database Error, unable to archive database


 When attempting an archive or purge your database, you see one of the following errors:


When observed in System Administration, you see the following connection error:



 In most cases, the issue is resolved by executing the following SQL query: insert into LNLCONFIG (LNLSTRING, LNLCONFIGID)


values ('server_name', '178') Note: Replace 'server_name' with your actual database server name. If it is the port that is determined to be the issue, then perform the following procedure:

  1. Open the following:
  2. Under the General tab, add TCP/IP to the Enabled protocols by order field.
  3. Click Properties and change the value of the Default port field to the custom port used by the SQL server.
  4. Go to the Alias tab, then click [Add].
  5. Add a new alias in the Server alias field. Make note of this alias because you will need it during the installation.
  6. In the Network libraries section, select the TCP/IP radio button.
  7. In the Connection parameters section, specify the SQL server in the Server name field.
  8. De-select the Dynamically determine port check box.
  9. In the Port number field, enter the port number that the SQL server is monitoring.
  10. Click [OK] [OK]. You can now specify the server alias name used in Step 5 during the production installation phase corresponding to the database.


Applies To

 OnGuard (all versions) 

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