Series 3 1320 downstream devices are not coming online, but series 2 1320's on the same access panel come online


 LNL-1320 Series 3 board is not coming online, while the LNL-1320 Series 2 board connects instantly when swapped. 


 Remove all terminations from downstream devices up to the access panel. 

Applies To

 All versions of OnGuard 

Additional Information

Installed two LNL-1320 Series 3 boards to support two card-in/card-out doors. The first Series 3 board came online with no issues, the second Series 3 board would not come online. Since this was the first time we encountered the issue, we troubleshot the issue thoroughly before finally swapping the second Series 3 board with a Series 2 board. The Series 2 board came online normally. Our review for a root cause pointed to an incompatibility issue with the Series 3 board and OnGuard 7.0 software, even though the Series 3 boards seemed to be intermittently compatible depending on placement within the access control panel.

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