Reporting and Dashboard Installation

Procedure Name

Reporting and dashboard installation

Procedure Steps

  1. Go to License administrator: 

http://<host name>:9999 

for example: 


Check this parameter: 

 If they are gray – you may have problem with license. 

In that case you must go to license administrator and return your license: 

You should ask Lenel licenses team for new license with Reporting and Dashboards option switched ON. Contact to license team - [email protected]

If from some reason new licenses will not be working properly please contact with

[email protected] to confirm that return procedure went right or to let them do return. 

  1. Run OnGuard installation and install OnGuard “Reports & Dashboards” on hard drive:

OnGuard Reports & dashboards will be installed on the hard drive must be on. 

You must have at least 3 GB space on your hard drive. 

  1. Go to System Administrator > administration > system options > general system option 

In Reporting and Dashboards Service Host enter <your machine> host name. 

  1. Provide username credential to run LS Reporting service. This user must have sysadmin database access rights. If the user is in the domain use domain\name format. 

Remember: username is case sensitive.

  1. Run Setup Assistance – Remember all elements must be green:

  1. You should have: 

"C:\Program Files\JReport" – folder created and 

LS Reporting – service running 

  1. Check if you have new DB created:

And especially LNL_CFG table

  1. We are recommending restart server. 
  2. Please log in to:

https://<your on guard server name>:8080/#/my-console 

     For example: 


                You should see reports icon.

If after this operation you can’t see green tick next to “Reports&Dasboards” 

  1. Go to java.exe process and end task:  

Before you do this please ask VAR if he running any other application using java. 

  1. Restart: LSReporting service, 
  2. Now one more time run setup assistant,
  3. Now system assistant should run all necessary services and processes, 
  4. You may restart computer if this possible. 
  5. If after all this operation you cannot run “Reports and Dashboards” option, please collect logs from:


The most important are: 

  1. LenelReports, 
  2. LenelError, 
  3. OpenAccessLoginManager. 

And JReports logs from: 

C:\Program Files\JReport\Server\logs

Please send this information to our DEV Team.

Additional information you can find in OnGuard 8 Installation Guide from 103 page and

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