LS Certificate Store Missing From Local Computer's Console Root

  • Symptom
    LS Certificate Store missing from Console Root on Local Computer

  • Resolution
    1. Open a Command Prompt as an Admin.
    2. Change directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\OnGuard\Certificates.
    3. Enter the following command and press [Enter]: makecert.exe -ss "LS Certificate Store" -sr localmachine
    4. To recreate the certificate for OnGuard in the correct location, execute the following command: lnl_app_server_certificate_installer.exe -key=C:\ProgramData\Lnl\nginx\conf\ls_server_cert_key.pem -cert=C:\ProgramData\Lnl\nginx\conf\ls_server_cert.pem -store="LS Certificate Store" -cn=
      Note: Replace  with the name of the server.  It is recommended to use the fully qualified domain name of the server.

  • Applies To
    OnGuard (all versions)

  • Additional Information