How to configure LS Badge Printing Service to use Network and Local printers.

 How to configure LS Badge Printing Service to use network and local printers.

Procedure Steps

 The LS Badge Printing Service can be used to allow printing from Open Access web based clients.  There are two main configuration options for this service.1.    One instance of LS Badge Printing Service that allows for shared network printers to be added as default printers for that specific badge type (Global).  a.    In System Administration > System Options set the Default Badge Printing Service host value to the FQDN of the LS Badge Printing Service that will be used as the primary host for all badge printing in the system.  It may be necessary to run the LS Badge Printing Service under credentials that allow it to access the network printing resource.b.    In System Administration > Administration > Badge Types > Printing tab, set the default printer for badge type dropdown to the correct printer.-or- 2.    Multiple instances of LS Badge Printing Service that allows for shared local printers to be added on a per workstation basis. This deployment model allows for multiple badge printers per badge type.a.    Do not set LS Badge Printing Service host entry in System Administration > System Options, leave this field blank.b.    Install System Administration thick client and the LS Badge Printing Service on each machine that has a local badge printer.  Ensure the LS Badge Printing Service is running.c.    For each client machine log into System Administration > Administration > Badge Types > Printing tab, select the Printer to use for this workstation (overrides default).  This will create a unique entry for each workstation in the database and has to be done on each local printer workstation. d.    Note that it is also possible to add a network printer as a local printer in Windows which can allow multiple network printers to use this deployment method if multiple workstations are used.Troubleshooting:The Badge Printing Service can be run as an app by opening a run dialogue box in Windows – Windows Key + R then inputting the path to the Badge Printing Service executable with the com argument added – "C:\Program Files (x86)\OnGuard\Lnl.OG.LsBadgePrinting.exe" comThe service opens in interactive mode where details about the print jobs can be viewed. When a print call is made via web module the call will create a message in the message broker queue for the specific host that is to execute the print job.  Ensure that the LS Badge Printing Service(s) are able to communicate with the server over port 5671 & 5657 (default port in 7.5 & 7.6), that the RabbitMQClient.dll file exists in the OnGuard directory, the application.config file located in %programdata%\lnl has the correct connection string for the database, and that the value specified for the Message Broker Host in System Administration > System Options can be reached from the client machine.

Applies To

 OnGuard 7.5 or later 

Additional Information

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