How do I upgrade firmware on an NGP?


How do I upgrade firmware on an NGP?


1) Copy the new firmware file (which will always be named NGP.bin) to the %SystemDrive%\Program Files\OnGuard folder on the computer running the Communication Server.

2) In Alarm Monitoring, in the System Status Tree window, right-click on the NGP, then select Download Firmware. The firmware download process will update only those firmware components that have newer versions than the installed firmware components.

After a successful download, the new firmware version will be displayed in the System Status Tree in Alarm Monitoring.

Applies To

OnGuard 2010 (6.4)

Additional Information

The firmware file includes the following firmware components:

Linux kernel
Root file system
Main application logic
I/O module firmware

If the firmware download fails, there is a mode to force the firmware download to the panel. In this mode, all firmware components are downloaded to the panel. To enable this mode, follow the steps below.

1) Add the following entry to the ACS.INI file on the computer running the Communication Server:


If the [SP14] section does not exist in the ACS.INI file, add both lines. If it does exist, add only the second line immediately underneath the [SP14] section.

2) Save and close the file.

3) Restart the LS Communication Server service.
4) Once the firmware download completes, stop the LS Communication Server, delete the lines you added in step 1 and restart the LS Communication Server