CASI and NGP Readers Missing from Reader Timezone Schedules Report


CASI and NGP readers are missing from the Reader Timezone Schedules report.


A patched version of this report has been created to address this issue.  It can be downloaded from:
To implement the new report:
  1. In System Administration navigate to Administration > Reports > Report Configuration.
  2. Select Reader Timezone Schedules and click Modify.
  3. Browse to the ReaderTimezoneSchedules.rpt file that was downloaded from the above link and then click OK and OK.
  4. Select the Reader Reports tab, navigate to the Reader Timezone Schedules, elect any CASI/NGP readers, and then preview the report. 

Applies To

OnGuard 7.2
OnGuard 7.3
OnGuard 7.4 

Additional Information

Note: The updated report file will be packaged in 7.4 Update 1.