Capture Camera not functioning or not supported work around


For situations where video or camera capture for cardholder images is not functioning, or where an unsupported camera is being used and live capture does not work.

Resolution / Workaround:  

  1. Capture Cardholder photo using 3rd Party Camera software.
  2. Save the image to a dedicated folder that the active User can access.
    1. Please name the file something relevant or unique to the card holder, such as their name or badge number.
  3. Launch System Administration or ID Credential Center
  4. Browse to your Cardholder Form (Administration > Cardholders)
  5. Search or Add desired Card Holder
  6. Click Modify
  7. Click Capture
  8. Set up Station Defaults
    1. Select your Capture Source > File Import
    2. On the General Settings tab, set the Default Capture Source to File Import
    3. Click Save User Defaults
    4. On the File I/O Settings tab click on the Browse button for the File Import box
    5. Navigate to, and select, your dedicated picture folder that you designated in Step 2
    6. Click Save user Defaults again
  9. If cardholder has no existing image, then click on the Open button on the lower right of the screen
    1. This should open the standard Windows File Explorer to the folder designated in Step 8
    2. Locate your desired cardholder photo
    3. Click Open
    4. Verify the image is cropped as desired, or crop as necessary
  1. Click Ok to save the imported image

Applies To: 

OnGuard All Versions

Additional Information:

The User performing the capture needs to be assigned to a Cardholder Permission Group that has Capture Permissions for File Import. If they do not have this permission, then they cannot access this functionality as described. The Cardholder Permission Group permissions can be modified in the System Administration program by navigating to Administration > Users and accessing the Cardholder Permission Groups tab.

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