Alarms from EST3 panels are not shown in OnGuard properly


Alarms from EST3 panels are not shown in OnGuard for all double-byte languages (for example, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, etc.). Alarm Monitoring shows junk characters in the alarms received from EST3 panels, instead of showing proper language as expected.  


This is a current limitation for the EST3 add-on. The EST3 OPC server integration with OnGuard does not include Unicode support, so alarms from EST3 panels are not shown correctly.

Defect DE129859 has been created for this issue, and will be fixed in a future release of OnGuard and the EST3 add-on. 

Applies To

  • OnGuard 7.4
  • OnGuard 7.4 Update 1
  • OnGuard 7.4 Update 2
  • OnGuard 7.4 Update 3
  • OnGuard 7.5
  • OnGuard 7.5 Update 1
  • OnGuard 7.6 


Additional Information

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