Information required when submitting an engineering engagement

Information required when submitting an engineering engagement to UltraView team

Procedure name

Collecting information which is required to open EE for UltraView Products

Automatization of collecting and aggregating required data.

Use script Uvdiagnostic.ps1 to automatically collecting and aggregating data.

Script work under Windows 7 and newer .

Knowing issues with script

  • Permissions to run the Powershell script
    • Script require full administrator rights
    • the system must allow scripts to be run  

How to allow and run the script:

Uvdiagnostic script automatically will create new folder in current directory where script is saved and copy all required data to it

Required data for new EE to UltraView team:

UltraView Server (UV Config Panel, UV Security Center, Firebird)

  • System Information [script collects]
  • Network Configuration and interfaces [script collects]
  • List of registered and status working UltraView Services [script collects]
  • Files description [script collects]

C:\Program Files (x86)\UTC Fire & Security\UltraView Video Security Center\

  • VSCConfigPanel.exe
  • VSCSecurityCenter.exe
  • All files with extensions txt and log from [script collects]

 C:\Program Files (x86)\UTC Fire & Security\UltraView Video Security Center\

  • DB backup file [if required]
  • Screen shoots of error or issues [if required]
  • The Windows Event logs from system and application branches. [if required]

UltraView Client (UV Security Center)

  • System Information [script collects]
  • Network Configuration and interfaces [script collects]
  • Files description [script collects]

C:\Program Files (x86)\UTC Fire & Security\UltraView Video Security Center\

  • VSCSecurityCenter.exe
  • All files with extensions txt and log from [script collects]

 C:\Program Files (x86)\UTC Fire & Security\UltraView Video Security Center\

  • Screen shoots of error or issues [if required]
  • The Windows Event logs from system and application branches. [if required]

UltraView Multivision

  • System Information [script collects]
  • Network Configuration and interfaces [script collects]
  • Files description [script collects]

C:\Program Files (x86)\UTC Fire & Security\Multivision\ [script collects]

  • MVController.exe
  • All files with extensions txt and log from [script collects]

 C:\Program Files (x86)\UTC Fire & Security\Multivision\

  • Screen shoots of error or issues [if required]
  • The Windows Event logs from system and application branches. [if required]

UltraView Video Operating System (VOS)

  • System Information [script collects]
  • Network Configuration and interfaces [script collects]
  • System drivers and logical partitions (size and freespace) [script collects]
  • List of registered and status working UltraView Services [script collects]
  • Files description [script collects]
  • C:\Program Files (x86)\VisioWave\Security Services\ VWService.exe [script collects]
  • Fresh (the same day) files with extensions txt and log from C:\Logs\ [script collects]
  • Few (fresh) dump files from C:\Program Files (x86)\VisioWave\Security Services\Debugging

Dump files with extension *.dmp only!

  • Screen shoots of error or issues [if required]
  • The Windows Event logs from system and application branches. [if required]

Applies to

  • UltraView Config Panel
  • UltraView Security Center
  • UltraView Multivision
  • UltraView Video Operating System (VOS)
  • OnGuard Integration with UltraView
  • OnGuard EventProxy

Supported version

All UltraView newer than 5.0

All OnGuard newer than 7.4

Additional Information

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