What is the purpose of the time server settings on the ISC Configuration Web Page?


What is the purpose of the Time Server settings on the ISC Configuration Web Page for the LNL-2210, LNL-2220, and LNL-3300 ISCs?


For ISCs that do not have Real Time Clock (RTC) hardware, configure a time server so that the ISC can synch up and obtain the time if it loses power. The LNL-2210, LNL-2220, and LNL-3300 ISCs do not have a RTC.

You can configure the ISC through the Web page to enable or disable a time server. When enabling the time server, you can specify the time server by name or IP address. You can also use an existing time server, such as pool.ntp.org or time.nist.gov.

For more information on existing time servers, refer to the following:

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