Procedure To Drop and Reload a Picture Perfect Database on AIX, Linux Systems.
Procedure Steps
WARNING: ALL DATA WILL BE LOST !!! Make Sure that you have a database backup made and verified, to be used to reload to the system.
CAUTION: This procedure CANNOT be used to drop and reload a 2.0 BASE/BADGE database that is the result of a conversion process from 1.x to 2.0. A different procedure exists for that purpose.
1. Log in as root.
2. Make sure no one else is logged is as an operator.
who -H
4. Stop the Picture Perfect software.
rc.pperf –k
5. Switch to the Informix user.
su - Informix
6. Start up the Informix database.
7. Change to the /tmp directory.
cd /tmp
8. Create a text file with Informix commands to drop the existing database.
vi kill.sql (Enter)
Enter the following:
i (for Insert mode)
close database (Enter)
drop database proteus (DO NOT PRESS THE (Enter) key)
:wq (Enter)
9. Become the root user again.
10. Run the file kill.sql to drop the database.
/cas/bin/sqlfile /tmp/kill.sql
11. Change to the /cas/db/backup directory.
cd /cas/db/backup
12. Recreate the base and badge tables.
13. Create tables for: Alarm Graphics, Images, Tour, Visitor.
Create only those needed!!!
driturbo -p graph
driturbo -p image
driturbo -p tour
driturbo -p visitor
14. Run the script to restore the base/badge database from a backup media.
Select an option from the menu.
Or use the command-line utility ‘cbr’ to restore a database from a backup media.
cbr -c -a -f - Restore from a floppy.
cbr -c -a -t - Restore from a tape.
cbr -c -a -d [Filename] - Restore from a disk file.
Cbr –c –v –d (file) to verify content of backup
15. Run the /cas/bin/ script or use the “cbr” utility to restore the backup media of each package.
The graph backup media.
The image backup media.
The tours backup media.
The visitor backup media.
16. Stop the Picture Perfect application.
rc.pperf –k
17. Start the Picture Perfect application.
18. Done