10/06/2022April Daniels
Question What does the error message "Failure writing to client" mean in the LenelError.log file? Answer The "failure writing to client" message may be displayed when the Communication Server is unable to contact the client logged into Alarm...
10/06/2022April Daniels
Symptom OnGuard clients may experience issues when connecting to OnGuard servers In particular, client applications like Alarm Monitoring may raise errors trying to connect. Resolution To resolve the issue, additional TCP ports may need to...
10/06/2022April Daniels
Question Where can I find a list of supported Microsoft updates? Answer All supported Microsoft updates can be found under "Microsoft Security Bulletins" on the Lenel Partner Center, located at this web address: https://partner.lenel.com ...
10/06/2022April Daniels
How to determine if a port is open or blocked using telnet Procedure Steps OnGuard must have certain ports available for use (unblocked) in order to function correctly. Telnet must be available. To enable, locate the Control Panel. Select...