How to determine what protocol an LNVR is using to send video to client workstations

How to determine what protocol an LVNR is using to send video to client workstations

Procedure Steps

The LNRNI.exe utility can be used to define how a client requests that LNVRs attempt to send video (protocols, port ranges, etc).  The LNVR communicates using the method(s) requested.

- Open C:\Program Files\Common Files\Lenel\LnrNI.exe on the client. If either Use Multicast or Use UDP/IP are selected, the LNVR may be using either of these to transmit video.

To determine what specific protocol a LNVR is using to send video to client workstations:

1) Click the Start button, and then select Run.

2) Type perfmon, and the click [OK]. The Performance window opens.

3) Click the X icon to remove monitors and clean up the working area.

4) Click the + icon to add channels. The Add Counters window opens.

5) In the Performance Object drop-down, select "LNR.Channel."

6) In the Select counters from list listing window, select "Sent Multicast Bytes/sec", "Sent Multicast UDP/sec" and "Sent TCP/IP Bytes/sec".  Click [Add] after selecting each one.

7) Click [Close].

8) In the Performance window, there is a graph with all three types of transmission listed in it. The one that has a value is the protocol the LNVR is using to send video to the client workstations.

Applies To

LNVR ALL Versions

Additional Information
