How to determine the compatibility for OnGuard versions, components, and firmware

How can I determine the current compatibility for OnGuard versions, components, and firmware?


Procedure Steps

Compatibility charts list currently supported OnGuard versions, components, and firmware. They are currently available on our Lenel Partner Site:

To access the compatibility charts:
  1. In the "Choose produce or service" drop-down menu, select "OnGuard".
  2. In the "Choose version" drop-down, select the desired OnGuard version.
  3. In the "Choose type of download" drop-down, select "Compatibility Charts".
  4. View or download the compatibility charts as needed.
Available compatibility charts include:
  • Badge Printers Compatibility Chart
  • Databases Compatibility Chart
  • Digital Video Products Compatibility Chart
  • Language Pack Compatibility Chart
  • Access Control Hardware Compatibility Chart
  • BlueDiamond™ Support Compatibility Chart
  • Browser Clients Compatibility Chart
  • Cardholder Self Service Compatibility Chart
  • Policies Compatibility Chart
  • Visitor Self Service Compatibility Chart
  • WATCH Compatibility Chart
  • Operating System Compatibility Chart
  • Prism Compatibility Chart
  • Third Party Application Compatibility Chart
  • Third Party Capture Devices Compatibility Chart
  • Third Party Encoders Compatibility Chart
  • Third Party Hardware Compatibility Chart
  • TruPortal Compatibility Chart
  • Virtualization Products Compatibility Chart

Applies To

All versions of OnGuard

Additional Information

NOTE: Newer release of OnGuard will include an updated version of the above compatibility charts for currently supported versions of OnGuard.