How to create Extended_ID card formats to support PIV/CAC or PIV-I

How to create Extended_ID card formats to support PIV/CAC or PIV-I

Procedure Steps

 For a 200 Bit PIV or CAC Card:

  1.   Navigate to System Administration > Administration > Card Formats and click [Add] to create a new card format. 
  2.   Select Wiegand as the card format Type.
  3.   Provide a Name such as “Extended_ID 200 Bit”.
  4.   Set Facility Code to 0.
  5.   Set Badge Offset Number to 0.
  6.   Set Total Number of Bits On Card to 200.
  7.   Leave all check boxes deselected (Asset Format, Reversed Bit Order, Duress Format).
  8.   For the following Starting Bit and Number of Bits select:

    •     Facility Code:  0 | 0
    •     Card Number: 0 | 0
    •     Extended ID:  0 | 200
    •     Issue Code:  0 | 0
    •     ADA:  0 | 0
    •     Activate Date:  0 | 0
    •     Deactivate Date:  0 | 0
    •     Authorization:  0 | 0
    •     Number of Even Parity Bits:  0
    •     Number of Odd Parity Bits:  0
    •     Special:  None
  1.   Click [OK] to save the record.

   For a 128 Bit PIV-I Card:

  1.  Navigate to System Administration > Administration > Card Formats and click [Add] to create a new card format. 
  2.  Select Wiegand as the card format Type.
  3.  Provide a Name such as “Extended ID 128 Bit”.
  4.  Set Facility Code to 0.
  5.  Set Badge Offset Number to 0.
  6.  Set Total Number of Bits On Card to 128.
  7.  Leave all check boxes blank (Asset Format, Reversed Bit Order, Duress Format).
  8.  For the following Starting Bit and Number of Bits select:

    •     Facility Code:  0 | 0
    •     Card Number: 0 | 0
    •     Extended ID:  0 | 128
    •     Issue Code:  0 | 0
    •     ADA:  0 | 0
    •     Activate Date:  0 | 0
    •      Deactivate Date:  0 | 0
    •      Authorization:  0 | 0
    •      Number of Even Parity Bits:  0
    •      Number of Odd Parity Bits:  0
    •      Special:  None
  1.   Click [OK] to save the record.


Applies To

 OnGuard 7.2 and later  

Additional Information

 Extended ID values are not supported on legacy ISCs (LNL-2000, LNL-1000, or LNL-500).

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