DataConduIT: the EventText property of Lnl_SecurityEvent is not loaded


The EventText property of Lnl_SecurityEvent is always empty. I want it to contain the event's associated text or event parameter.


In order to retrieve an event's associated text, use the SerialNumber property to lookup the corresponding Lnl_LoggedEvent as follows:
SELECT * FROM Lnl_LoggedEvent WHERE SerialNumber = <value of SerialNumber property from received event>
The Lnl_LoggedEvent also has an EventText property which contains the associated text.

Applies To

OnGuard (All versions)

Additional Information

It might be advantageous to cache the event subtype definitions (Lnl_EventSubtypeDefinition) and then check the SupportParameters property to see if an event has a parameter before loading the corresponding Lnl_LoggedEvent.