Alter Table error when running Database Setup


When running Database Setup, you may encounter this alter table error, or one similar:


1.    Take note of the tables involved; in this case there are two: DBO.REPORT_PRINT_ACTION and DBO.USERS. Also take note of the column referenced in the conflict message, in this instance it is USERID.


2.    Go to the first table (DBO.REPORT_PRINT_ACTION) and Edit Top 200 rows. There will be only a few records in this table. Look at the USERID column, and make a note of the number in each row. 


3.    Go to the DBO.USERS table, and Select Top 1000 rows. Compare the USERID column with the values from the first table. Any values from the first table that are not present in the second must be modified in the DBO.REPORT_PRINT_ACTION table.


4.    Once you have made the modification(s) to the USERID column in the first table, retry the Database Setup. It should now complete successfully.


Applies To

OnGuard (all versions)

Additional Information

The table may very but this procedure will still be applicable