''504 Gateway Time-out - nginx/1.6.1'' message occurs when accessing the OnGuard WATCH web page

  • Symptom
    There are three possible causes that can create this error message when trying to access the OnGuard WATCH web page:
    • The LS Web Proxy Service is not running
    • The LS Open Access Service is not running
    • The LS Message Broker Service is not running

  • Resolution

    1. Start or restart the LS Web Proxy Service.
    2. Start or restart the LS Open Access Service.
    3. If the error persists, check the log file (C:\Program Files (x86)\OnGuard\logs\OpenAccess.log) for the following details:
      TIME: [10/19/2015 18:13:38]
      SEVERITY: Error
      ERROR CODE: 0x20010001
      PROGRAM: Lnl.OG.LsOpenAccess
      FILE: LsOpenAccessEventListener.cpp (LINE 261)
      DETAILS: Internal logic error.: There is no response from message bus, trying to connect again...
    1. Restart the LS Message Broker Service.
    2. If the error persists, check the log file for the following details:
      2015-10-22 13:28:01 error Failed to initialise SSL listener: Locating certificate in store
      LS Certificate Store Cannot find object or property. (..\..\cpp\src\qpid\broker\windows\SslProtocolFactory.cpp:157) 2015-10-22 13:28:01 error Failed to initialise SSL listener: Locating certificate in store
    1. This indicates that the necessary SSL certificate does not exist or is installed with an incorrect servername. For example, if the server name is server, the certificate may be named server.lan or server.localdomain. To manually reissue the certificate with the correct server name (assuming the server name is server), run the following command to place the certificate in the LS Certificate Store store for the message broker and in the nginx "conf" directory for the web server:
      "C:\Program Files (x86)\OnGuard\Certificates\lnl_app_server_certificate_installer.exe" -key=C:\ProgramData\Lnl\nginx\conf\ls_server_cert_key.pem -cert=C:\ProgramData\Lnl\nginx\conf\ls_server_cert.pem -store="LS Certificate Store" -cn=

  • Applies To
    OnGuard WATCH

  • Additional Information